Advocates for two competing Eugene City Auditor measures on the May 15th ballot squared off at the City Club of Eugene Friday.
Measure 20-283 would establish an elected auditor position. Measure 20-287 calls for an appointed auditor. Bonnie Bettman McCornack with “Elected Auditor 4 City Accountability”, says only 20-283 is truly independent.
McCornack: “The council-appointed auditor’s authority and roles are entirely conditioned on the approval and direction from the council majority. Every step their auditor takes must be sanctioned by city officials.”
But Joshua Skov with Citizens for Sensible oversight, supporters of 20-287 says an elected auditor would not be independent.
Skov: “This person would have to campaign. They would have to raise campaign funds and that means this person would be no more or less independent than any other politician.”
Other issues include the cost of the two positions, how they’d be paid for, and accountability. The City Club of Eugene forum will air Monday evening at 6:30 on KLCC.