In Eugene, a groundbreaking ceremony was held today for a new affordable housing community…of 22 tiny houses. KLCC’s Brian Bull reports.
Each house in Emerald Village Eugene will be between 160 to 290 square feet.
Dan Bryant, Executive Director of SquareOne Villages, says his non-profit is developing the $1.5 million dollar project with mostly private donations.
“We are creating a new style of housing that will be significantly less expensive," he tells KLCC. "So that the individuals who live here can afford to pay their own way without any other public subsidy.”
Bryant says they’ve already accepted half of the applicants interested in living here.
This includes Joshua Romero and Christina Kazlas. Joshua works at a McDonalds, while Christina aims to finish her nursing degree…after their baby is born.
“You know, you always hear the saying it takes a village to raise a child, and I really believe that.” (Josh: “Yeah, the community seems pretty welcoming.”) “To have the influences of your neighbors and your friends and family to raise that child, it’s really important and I think this will be a great place for that.”
Monthly payments will average $300, that will cover utilities and maintenance. Construction is scheduled to start in April.