Visitors to Eugene's Parks will see taller, browner grass and have fewer places to go to the bathroom. That's because the city's new budget includes a $300,000 reduction in funding for the Parks and Open Space Division.
The new budget takes effect July 1st. Craig Carnegie is Eugene Parks and Open Space Director:
Carnegie: "They'll be an array of service reductions including the reduction in mowing frequencies, the reduction in irrigation, and there will also be the closure of three neighborhood restrooms which are in close proximity to other public restrooms."
Carnegie says the bathroom closures are at Hendricks, Sladden and Sheldon parks. At each of these, there is another restroom within walking distance that will remain open. Other cutbacks include frequency of garbage pickup, litter removal and general maintenance. Two positions that are currently vacant will go unfilled in order to meet the budget reduction. Parks and Open Space has taken about a $2 million cut over the past several years.