Hunters in Eastern Oregon are having another Coyote Derby this weekend. Predator advocates say these contests highlight an outdated approach to wildlife management in Oregon.
The Harney County Coyote Classic offers prizes of guns and cash for teams of hunters who kill the most coyotes.
Brooks Fahy heads Predator Defense of Eugene.
Fahy: "The bigger issue here is that coyotes in the state of Oregon, and in many states across the country, have virtually no protection whatsoever. They're considered predatory animals, you can kill 'em 365 days a year by any means you want."
Fahy says killing coyotes actually leads to more breeding among the species-- because killing the alpha male and female destroys the packs' social structure.
A spokesman for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says coyotes are classified as a predatory animals by statute. The agency has no authority to cancel the event.
Fahy says he's planning to ask state lawmakers to ban contest hunts.