Eugene police have announced a fourth case of swastika graffiti in the city. And they say a white supremacist flyer was posted near a home displaying a Jewish symbol. KLCC’s Brian Bull reports.
In the graffiti case, a swastika was painted onto glass in a parking garage elevator near Pearl and 10th Avenue.
Previous targets are an auto shop, a pub, and a church.
The flyer incident happened near a residence at 12th and Adams. The flyer was for the Aryan Brotherhood.

Melinda McLaughlin of the Eugene Police Department says there’s a suspect in the flyer case.
“He's described as a white male, in his mid-20s. He’s 5’9”, and 200 pounds, with red-blonde straight, collar-length hair, and no facial hair," she tells KLCC.
"He was riding a black mountain bike and wearing a black coat and black pants.”
The swastika tag and flyer reports were made Tuesday, February 14th. It’s not certain if they are connected.
Officials say while such displays can be considered free speech, the way they’re carried out could determine if there are criminal charges. Graffiti itself is usually deemed “criminal mischief”.
Anyone with information can contact the Eugene police at 541-682-5111. Or online at: