The Takeaway is America's conversation, offering a breadth and depth of world, national and regional news coverage that is unprecedented in public media. The show features critical conversations, live reports from the field, a platform for commentary and analysis, and listener participation.
May 1, 2018 - Tanzina Vega begins hosting.
August 11, 2017 - John Hockenberry steps down as host.
May 23, 2017 - Host John Hockenberry speaks in Eugene as part of KLCC's 50th Anniversary Celebration. The event is sponsored by the Lane Community College Presidential Lecture Series. Talk is at 7 pm, followed by 50th Anniversary Reception.
August 2015 - Congratulations to The Takeaway for winning the Salute to Excellence Award from the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) for, "Under Her Skin: Living With Breast Cancer." The award recognizes journalism that best covers issues affecting the worldwide black community. Explore the series here.